
Sod Installation Services and Grass for Residential and Commercial Lawns

Quality green grass should form the center of as beautiful landscapes be it a home compound or a huge company’s compound. Of course, one can plant grass seeds, but it is common these days to hire sod installation services so as get results within a short duration and professionally done. This article focuses on sod installation; the advantages of the matter, types of works, and potentialities of using it for residences and other buildings.

Why Choose Sod for the Installation

Sod has the following benefits compared to the conventional methods of seeding. To begin with, it allows for one to have an instant lawn whereby instant implies that one has a green carpet-like surface in less than a day. This instant green feel is so much attractive to the homeowners especially when they desire to see greenery around their compound without having to wait for weeks or even months just for the grass to grow.

In many business establishments such as office complexes or hotels, sod can be placed within a noticeably fleeting time thus transferring it to its new place, hence such returns are fast, and the appeal is enjoyed instantly.

The last advantage that sod has is the ability to regain its growth extremely fast. Sod has also well-developed grass cover with an established root structure; therefore, it is quicker to establish in the unfamiliar environment than the seeds. This extremely fast installation also makes sod more resistant to wash away since it is appropriate for areas that have slopes or regions that receive exceedingly high rainfall.


Sod installation is also proved to be good because it provides your lawn with a weed-free beginning. In addition, the type of turf that you get is grown under optimum conditions and the common weeds are not present in it. This head start makes the grass have a better ability to compete for any space with any weeds which may try to grow later.

The Sod Installation Process

Sod installation is a technical process that needs to be done professionally and this is mostly underscored by the fact that it needs a lot of equipment. Professionals like Mr. Lawn sod installation have the tools and skills necessary to complete this process. The initial phase of construction entails clearing of the land and the elimination of any plant life, undertaking site grading for adequate drainage, and changing the soil if needed. In particular, this preparation is necessary for the further health and appearance of the sod itself.

The next step is to prepare the site and obtain the sod and the sod has to be laid as soon as possible to preserve the quality of the sod. It is placed and arranged by installers on the ground where they ensure that the edges of the sods to be connected have no space in-between. The sod is then rolled to make sure that the grass side has a good contact with the soil, and this is an important aspect when it comes to roots.

Watering the system is another important procedure that should be done correctly once the system has been installed. Since the newly laid sod consists of fresh soil, it needs to be watered deeply on a regular basis in order to allow the root system to penetrate deeper and not let the turf dry out. When planting is complete and sod is beginning to root, it is possible to lower the frequency of watering.

Considering the Type of Grass to Plant on Your Lawn

Choosing the right type of grass for your sod is particularly important for the long run performance. Some of the aspects that need to be put into consideration include climate, amount of sunlight in the area, use for the building and frequency of cleaning.

For example, the preferred species of home lawns in the temperate regions include Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and fescue species. These are the types of grasses popular for their soft appearance as well as fair tolerance in restraining traffic. You can click the link: to learn more.

However, the goal of commercial properties is typically different. Playgrounds and areas that receive intensive traffic may require hard-dressed grasses such as Bermuda or Zoysia types since they get easily torn and require some time to rejuvenate. For shaded areas, there might be some other options, which are fine fescues or St. Augustine grass.

Maintenance and Care

Sod ensures that there is grass surface right from the start though it needs to be well tended to grow well.


Also, it is advised that after installation of the sod, people and equipment should not be allowed to walk on it for several weeks and mowing should not be conducted until the sod has grown well. After they have been set, general management activities such as mowing, fertilization and total weed control need to be undertaken.

For the home use, there are several tips a homeowner should follow including mowing with frequency usually taking it to a height of 2.5 to 3 inches.

Environmental Considerations

More and more people today are coming to realize that frequent mowing, watering, and use of lawn chemicals entails negative effects on the environment. A substantial number of homeowners and managers of commercial real estate are, therefore, looking for bio-diverse solutions in their grounds. You can visit this site to learn more. These environmental conservation measures can be achieved with the help of sod installation.

  If you are a homeowner who wants to enhance the outlook of your backyard or a commercial entity seeking to give your property a face lift in the manner of an elastic well-synthesized grass carpet, then sod installation services provide you with a channel to acquiring the paradise green lawn that you had always envisioned about.

When taken diligent care of and properly maintained, newly installed sod can give you the years of pleasure and added value that comes with an attractive, living carpet outside your home.