
The Effects of Hard Water on Your Plumbing System in Albuquerque

Albuquerque, New Mexico, is one of those areas that have a problem with hard water. Sure, it is one among many, and people all around the world must worry about this issue. It can have significantly negative effects on your pipes and your entire plumbing system, and understanding those effects is crucial for maintaining the system and making sure that everything is running smoothly.

If you’re not sure what this concept actually is, here is an explanation:

Anyway, if you’re living in Albuquerque, then you have most likely already heard about this concept. Furthermore, you probably also know that hard water is characterized by a high level of dissolved minerals, especially magnesium and calcium. This, however, still doesn’t mean that you understand the actual effects it can have on your plumbing system. So, that is precisely what you are wondering.

In other words, you want to figure out precisely what hard water can do to your pipes so that you are better prepared to handle any issues that may come your way. You also want to know what you should do about this problem because knowing how to deal with it is essential for the health of your plumbing system. Once you understand those two things, you will be better prepared for any problems caused by hard water, and you’ll know how to act once you notice the signs.

So, the above are certainly two quite important questions. How can hard water affect your plumbing system in Albuquerque? And what can you do about it? What we are going to do right now, thus, is answer the questions for you, hoping to shed light on the dangers that may be lurking, as well as raise your awareness on the proper steps to take to prevent your systems from malfunctioning and thus causing some more severe issues on your property.

How Hard Water Affects Your Plumbing System

Let us, therefore, start answering those questions for you right away. Naturally, we are going to begin with the most basic one. That is, with the question of how this type of water can negatively affect your plumbing systems. So, below I will list some of the most common problems that can arise, thus making it clear what it is that you could expect if living in Albuquerque and if, of course, not maintaining your system regularly.

· Pipe Clogging

Beginning with the obvious, one of the biggest effects that hard water can have on your pipes is this. It can clog them. The dissolved minerals can precipitate as water is flowing through your pipes, thus forming solid deposits on their interior surface.


Those deposits can restrict the flow, reduce pressure, and increase the risk of clogging. If the problem goes untreated for a long time, it can even result in complete pipe blockage, which is a problem that requires extensive repairs or even replacements in some cases.

· Pipe Corrosion and Damage

Moving on, the buildup of minerals can also cause corrosion in certain pipes. And, of course, corrosion can weaken the pipes and make them more prone to leaks and bursts, which is certainly not what you want. So, your entire plumbing system is in danger from those buildups, as the bursts and leaks are bound to cause further issues that will require the attention of professionals.

· Shorter Lifespan of Plumbing Fixtures

Your faucets, valves, and showerheads do have to be replaced from time to time. But hard water can lead to them needing replacements quite frequently. And that is because mineral deposits can accumulate on those fixtures, thus decreasing their functionality. Not to mention that the aesthetic effect will also be negative, as the buildups and stains look quite unsightly.

· Reduced Water Heater Efficiency

Another thing to remember is that hard water can reduce the efficiency of your water heater. In fact, these devices are especially vulnerable since the heat causes the dissolved minerals to precipitate, thus forming deposits on the interior surface of the tank and on the heating elements.


This leads not only to a shorter lifespan of the appliance but also to high energy bills.

What to Do About It

Now that you are familiar with some of the negative effects of hard water, you are most probably wondering what to do about it. Well, there are water softeners and descaling agents you can use to prevent temporarily fixing the issues. However, the most important thing to remember is that you will need to have the system regularly maintained by professionals. If you, for instance, call First Rate or similar experts, they will be able to not only solve any buildup problems that you may have but also take proper measures to prevent the buildup, as well as give you some tips on how to do it yourself. In short, cooperating with professionals is necessary.

Of course, the key is in working with the right professionals, meaning that you will absolutely have to be careful when making this choice. There are some great plumbing companies in Albuquerque that you can find, so take your time to search for them and carefully research different ones, aiming at checking not only their experience levels but also their reputations, as that will certainly help you make your hiring decision. Furthermore, check their availability and prices, and then choose the best solution for you after comparing all the information.